Monday, October 20, 2008

Gackt's new Platinum Box


Anonymous said...

Up and coming J-Rock English language magazine seeks writers!

We are looking for bi-lingual and determined writers/reporters who can get out into the Tokyo scene, find every little J-rock nuance they can, and write about it for us. Attend concerts, interview bands, and let readers know about upcoming events.

We are looking for self-starters who can basically contribute to a monthly print magazine, as well as constantly post information for our website, and develop contacts within the Japanese music industry.

And get this-we'll actually pay you!

We are also looking for writers who can cover shows in LA and NYC, so don't be shy. We need content!

Happy writing; reply back at

Anonymous said...

thank you for the info!

Anonymous said...

XD Gackt looks like such a dork in this . . .